Stay Inspired
but remember making plans/goals is a moving target and that means that things can be changed. This is a good thing, goals are not written in stone. Goals are "ideas", and can be shaped and shifted into the greatest thing you ever wanted to do in your life. That is why Elina and I have booked our flights to the Adult World Championship through Paris, so we can skate in Germany and eat in France:}
Going back to the Adult Competition in Oberstdorf is one of my short term goals {one year}, I am working currently with a five year plan because it coincides with turning sixty-five, a neither here nor there number, really! But most of my plans are flexible, which my friends remind me of because I am a "super planner", and need to chill out sometimes. One thing I like about having a game plan is when I get myself into a "pity pit", I have some fun things to look froward too. I even just ask myself what fun thing am I going to do today because daily life is a work in progress ... anyone else out there:}
Elina and I both have had challenging weeks but neither one of us is dying:} The privilege of going to Europe in the May 2020 put a spring in our step and today I am working on Adult Ice Online which makes me happy!
Cheers, Linda