The richness of this answer is that as adults you have so much to draw from in your lifetime of experiences and fashion savvy ... unlike a young competitor.
As Toller Cranston once told me, "Bring a collection of costumes to the competition, then wear what your mood tells you".
So here we go ... on a sheet of paper write out all your thoughts about your program.
What is the story you are going to tell?
What is your character?
What is the mood/moods of your character?
What is the era of your program?
Where does your story take place?
NOW, on another paper draw several body forms that you can draw costumes on. CREATE, CREATE, CREATE, using your taste and knowledge of fashion to overlay your "story costume".
Then, seek out a basic skating dress/shirt&pants/body leotard/ and EMBELLISH it with accessories ... necklace, gloves, shrugg, jacket, scarf, headband, applicays, cuffs, crystals, ETC!
If you want to take it up a level, take your sketches to a dress maker/costumier and get it custom made for you!
Either way, GOOD LUCK and always have FUN:}
SWING, Elina